Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: steve gaines

Found 37 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 3 of 4 total pages.

  • ERLC 'unity' statement praised by Gaines, Graham

  • Bellevue reaches $1M in Cooperative Program gifts

  • Gaines at rally: Evangelism should be priority

  • Singing 'Down on My Knees,' Gaines exhorts SBC to pray

  • Gaines Q&A: from Trump to prayer for revival

  • 2016: Hatmaker, SBC election, wildfires among BP's most-read stories

  • Gaines: 10 things Christians can do after election

  • After election: The Christian response

  • Gaines to EC: SBC needs 'renewal from heaven'

  • Gaines: Election rhetoric can inhibit evangelism