Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: 2018 sbc annual meeting

Found 154 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 3 of 16 total pages.

  • Jen Wilkin at women's leadership event: Be fearless

  • Tea at 3 relays insight into ministry in the SBC

  • 2 new movies screened to SBC attendees

  • Dalia Gonzales honored at ministers' wives luncheon

  • Platt underscores Lottie Moon's urgency for the Gospel

  • Runners raise $6,000 for hungry during SBC

  • Rainer: Local churches key to reversing SBC decline

  • Honor God in workplace, Women & Work panel exhorts

  • Hardship can foster joy, Harper tells ministers' wives

  • Refugee simulation brings 'chaos' to life