Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: the coronavirus

Found 164 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 1 of 17 total pages.

  • FIRST-PERSON: Coronaweary

  • FIRST-PERSON: Pray for a breakthrough in treatment and prevention of COVID-19

  • Florida Hispanic churches suffer deaths, illness in local COVID-19 surge

  • COVID-19 hampers Michigan Baptist response to historic flooding

  • Florida mayor and pastor sees job as 'salt and light' during COVID-19

  • Black, Hispanic congregations dealing with COVID-19 health, economic disparities

  • State reopening plans a concern for religious liberty, churches

  • 'Alpha and Omega': ICU nurse joins in hymn as her COVID-19 patient dies

  • In rural Georgia COVID-19 hotspot, pastors cautious of resuming onsite worship

  • COVID-19 hits Charles Billingsley amid album release, family celebrations